The CyberNanny program was created for parental control over a child’s Android phone/tablet (the application will soon be available on iOS).
It is prohibited to use software (cybernanny) to secretly monitor a child’s device.
By using software for the purposes of covert surveillance, secret surveillance, espionage, obtaining information by secret means, “wiretapping” and other things, the User violates the law and bears civil, administrative, and criminal liability under the current legislation of his country.
All responsibility (criminal, moral, spiritual) when using this software lies with the person who installs the software.
By agreeing with what has been read, the User understands the gravity of the offense and thereby relieves the author of this software and material of all responsibility for actions that may be associated with the use of this product.
The subscription fee is debited from the accounts of Users (parents) for the provision of information services from the child’s controlled device.
Application functionality
Features that will be available after installation:
- Child’s location
- Application lock
- Smartphone statistics (battery charge)
- Internet control (blocking inappropriate content)
- Reading messengers Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber, VKontakte, Facebook and Instagram
- Browser history
- Lock your phone from a distance
- Time control
Notifications to parents (if a child tried to launch a blocked application, or the limit was exhausted, or launched a prohibited website) - Child contacts
- Fact of calls (incoming, outgoing, missed)
- Recording the environment (does not work on Android 14)
- Features in development:
YouTube control (in development)
Call recording (in development)
View photos (in development)